If YOU feel that 2009 is YOUR year and YOU want to put all the chances on YOUR side, here is my Five step program that will jump start YOUR success! Think about it, the Image that YOU project will ultimately affect YOUR Self-Esteem... Therefore YOU want to look YOUR best in every occasion! As I like to say to my clients: "One never knows who's watching" so be on the look out... For both men and women there are five aspects of YOUR persona that YOU should never neglect:
!YOUR Hair, Face, Body, Physical Appearance, and Attitude!
! Take good care of YOUR hair !
It represents YOUR crown, whether YOU'RE sporting a short sassy style or a longer one, it should reflect YOU in all its glory. For that reason YOU should avoid dry hair by conditioning on a regular basis and damaged hair needs to go, there is no point in holding to something that is dead. A healthy cut, is exacltly what it is, HEALTHY! Don't let the split ends and falling hair drag YOU down. And gentlemen don't be afraid to face that receeding hair line or the area that is slowly thining out. Embrace a new YOU, one that can walk on tall and acheive its goals. To be SUCCESSFULL one must be CONFIDENT, and part of being CONFIDENT is to feel ATTRACTIVE. So how do YOU get there? By remaining true to YOURSELF... Avoid hair colors that don't suit YOUR complexion, and as much as I love the versatility that artificial hair may bring it lacks in authenticity so if YOU must go there, bring along some moderation!
! Game Face On !
Now days the skin care regiments are numerous and accessible to both men and women: exfoliation, protecting YOUR skin against the sun (yes even in winter), using the appropriate products depending on YOUR skin type will undeniably give YOU nicer skin and reduce the aging signs. Neglecting YOUR skin can result in many rejections both on the personal and professional front....

Consider YOUR face as YOUR advertising board; if it is appealing, people will be interested in what YOU are selling. If need be, invest in some more extensive skin care such as acne treatment, microdermabrasion, and even laser hair removal. Let's not forget the routine grooming rituals such as making sure YOU always display a radiant smile, the rugged look is sexy but sometimes a good shave is necessary, and how about taming those wild eyebrows?
! Shape it Up !
No more excuses allowed, if YOU are not satisfied with YOUR current body shape, then make the appropriate changes. Do not set YOURSELF for failure by reaching for an unrealistic goal, be fair and most importantly commit to YOUR plan. 30 minutes of excercise 3 times a week will make a difference in YOUR overall health and appearance. The trick is to do something fun, who said that getting in shape had to be tedious? No time or money to go to a gym, there are some short and interesting routines available on the net. Pull out those old cassettes, (we all have some) they will also do the trick. Find a buddy if it will help motivate YOU, include the kids if necessary, but keep at it. I won't lie to YOU certain clothes don't fit all body types, but YOUR main priority should be your comfort whatever size or shape YOU are.
! Comfortable, personal, appropriate, and trendy !
Those 4 words constitute, in my opinion, the core definition of style... There is no sense in wearing uncomfortable clothes or worst clothes that makes YOU feel uncomfortable all because YOU think it makes YOU look a certain way. I often say it and I won't stop saying that YOUR style should come from within, it must be authentic to be and feel right. Dressing appropriately to the occasion is another aspect that will make YOU or brake YOU in many instances. YOU want YOUR outfit to be remembered because it was da bomb! Women, know when it is correct to maximise your assets, in a professional setting YOU do not want to come accross as flirty or promiscuous. Men tend to be too laid back in their attires, don't be scared to step it up a notch, YOU will not regret it. Last but not least respect the trend...
keep in touch with the cuts, colors and fabrics that are in. That does not mean to do everything that is the magazine or in the media. Most trends will also carry a dimension that flatters YOUR silouhette, but YOU must know YOUR body, cigarette pants, whether YOUR'RE a man or a woman, unless YOU are slender they're not for YOU. Go for a more classical cut, the straight one, very trendy but also very forgiving.
! Tude it Up !
YOU don't need me to tell YOU that even if YOU conquer all four rules, without the right attitude it will make no difference!!! It all starts in YOUR head, YOU must believe in YOURSELF if YOU want the world to see YOU differently. Then the wheel is slowly set in motion. Invest in YOUR future by applying those five principles, and I guarantee that YOU will see the changes!
Until next time,
Classy Sassy