Auto Evaluation Workshop
For this workshop a brief questionnaire is given to the potential client and the ultimate goal is to have them auto-evaluate themselves. Throughout the years that I have been dealing with people's sense of style I have come to realize that a lot of it resides in one's perception of itself, so I like getting it out of the way right from the begining. It can also help indicate how challenging a consultation may be depending on one's resistance to honesly view themselves.
Wardrobe Shape-Up
Now here is something that all men and women should do at least twice a year, it consists in re-evaluation your wardrobe content and determining what should be tossed aside or kept in order to add some new pie
ces. This is almost an essential step in the consultation process as the number one complain is often not having anything to wear. This is simply because the basics are lacking in the wardrobe; feel free to consult the previous blog posting to assess whether or not you are on the right path for yours.

Shopping 101
I know we all hate it when we let some sales person convince us that "it suits us so well", only to get home and realize that it's not completely true. This is simply a few workshops to give the average shopper some efficient tips and tricks to enjoy shopping and be more productive at it as well. This workshop is often offered in parallel with the wardrobe shape-up as some individual may require some guidance in purchasing the missing elements.
Personal Shopper
This Workshop (one of my favorite) is essentialy to assist the client into their shopping trips until he or she can develop the reflexes and patterns needed to acquire the independance needed to shop on their own. The goal is to make all shopping trips or purchases productive and rewarding.
Special Events or Service of MakeOver
This service is strictly offered on demand for events such as a special outing, graduation, christening, engagement party, wedding, etc. It may also require services that Simply Nefi does not offer, therefore outside collaborations are available in order to guarantee the success of this experience (hair and makeup).

keep in mind that all my workshops are designed to suit one's needs, sense of style and budget. So now that you know what I do, if you just had a promotion or looking to get one, perhaps you have something special coming up in the next few months? Don't wait till the last minute, if you want to look the part I am your girl!
Until Next time,
Classy Sassy